CategoriesTeaching courses

HumanAI Virtual Master Class 10th September 2020

Human Intelligence Can Fix Artificial Intelligent Shortcomings


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Do you want to learn how to apply principles of Responsible AI in the design of AI systems that interact with humans? Many concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as ‘machine learning’ or ‘artificial neural networks’ are inspired by human intelligence. Most of the applications people use every day are powered by human data such as movie streaming apps, speech recognition and translation or music recommendations. But how to best design AI tools which can support humans in their decisions and augment human abilities in day to day life? In the Human AI masterclass, we will focus on different ways in which AI can support human decisions and activities.


COSTS You can participate for free, and online

* 09:45 - 10:00 Welcome words and preparation
* 10:00 - 10:15 Introduction presentation
* 10:15 - 10:30 Round of presentation
* 10:30 - 11:15 Lecture 1 - Artificial intelligent systems for human support
* 11:15 - 12:00 Break-out session 1 - designing an AI system
* 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
* 13:00 - 13:45 Lecture 2 - User modelling and user adaptation
* 13:45 - 14:30 Break-out session 2
* 14:30 - 15:15 Lecture 3 - Responsible AI and ethics
* 15:15 - 16:00 Break-out session 3
* 16:00 - 16:45 Final presentations of the projects
* 16:45 - 17:00 Conclusions & evaluation


We explain the motivations behind the course, in particular why talking about AI interfacing with Humans is relevant in this context.

Participants present themselves in 30 seconds LECTURE 1 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS

FOR HUMAN SUPPORT (10:30 - 11:15)
Lecture 1 gives an overview of the existing AI
systems for human support including emotion
detection, speech recognition and recommendation
engines. Potential connected risks in these
areas are introduced.

BREAK-OUT SESSION 1 (11:15 - 12:00 )
The participants gather in groups to decide on the functionality of their AI tool by picking from a pool of ideas of HumanAI applications or by coming up with another interesting one.

BREAK-OUT SESSION 2 (13:45 - 14:30)
Participants continue working on the selected functionality, this time trying to the aim of applying user-modelling and HCI principles to make sure their AI tool fully models and understands
the user correctly.

Lecture 3 touches on three main pillarls constituting the Responsible AI: Ethics & Privacy, Fairness and Explainability.

BREAK-OUT SESSION 3 (15:15 - 16:00)
In the last breakout session, the participants try to improve the design of their AI tool/ functionality having in mind the Responsible AI principles.

FINAL PRESENTATION (16:00 - 16:45)
Each group presents their AI-tool functionality explaining the decisions taken.



  • Dr. Daniele Di Mitri
  • Dr. Stefano Bromuri
  • Professor Dr. Roland Klemke
  • Ekaterina Muravyeva, MSc


Appears also:


Published by Daniele Di Mitri

Daniele Di Mitri is a research group leader at the DIPF - Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and a lecturer at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany. Daniele received his PhD entitled "The Multimodal Tutor" at the Open University of The Netherlands (2020) in Learning Analytics and wearable sensor support. His research focuses on collecting and analysing multimodal data during physical interactions for automatic feedback and human behaviour analysis. Daniele's current research focuses on designing responsible Artificial Intelligence applications for education and human support. He is a "Johanna Quandt Young Academy" fellow and was elected "AI Newcomer 2021" at the KI Camp by the German Informatics Society. He is a member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence journal, a member of the CrossMMLA, a special interest group of the Society of Learning Analytics Research, and chair of the Learning Analytics Hackathon (LAKathon) series.

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